The 4 Things I Wish I Knew About Building Confidence

personal development Nov 16, 2023
4 Things I Wish I Knew About Building Confidence

I'm honored to have you here! Let me share a piece of my journey with you.

Early in my career, I struggled with confidence. I believed that confidence was a skill that only a select, lucky few people were born with, something impossible to create or grow. Those beliefs manifested in many ways - I compared myself to others, I stayed quiet in meetings, I didn't speak up for myself, and I got defensive when I heard any sort of constructive feedback.

However, as I really dived into my personal and professional development journey, that confidence grew!

So, here are four things I wish someone had told me:

    1. Embrace your unique self: Authenticity is the foundation of confidence. Instead of trying to fit a mold, embrace your unique qualities, strengths, quirks, and experiences – they are your superpower. 
    2. Never stop learning: The more you invest in learning and skill development, the more confident you become. Commit to making this a priority. Find the areas that you want to focus on, and dive in! 
    3. Take action: Building confidence requires taking bold actions. It's not about getting everything right every time; it's about stepping out of your comfort zone and doing, even if it means making mistakes. 
    4. Celebrate your progress: Rather than focusing on perfection, appreciate every single step forward, no matter how small. Appreciate your progress! I wish I had known that true confidence comes from embracing the journey, not racing to a finish line. 


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