5 Ways to Build Credibility

careerdevelopment confidence one step closer personal development Jul 15, 2024
Personal Development One Step Closer Blog Build Credibility By Sheena Hakimian


For years, I observed people who were getting ahead.

Who earned respect and were well-liked.

What made them different?

They had credibility. People trusted them.

I noticed something else - the people who earned the most trust were also the most confident.

So, for the last 4 years, I was on a mission to build credibility at work.

Along the way, I also became much more confident!


Here are 5 ways I (continue to) build credibility:

1. I do what I say I am going to do.

Tip: If you tell your manager you will complete a task by a certain day, make sure it gets done.

2. I am constantly learning about my industry and bringing those learnings to my workplace.

Tip: Set aside 30 minutes each week for competitive analysis. Listen to industry podcasts. Share useful articles with your team.

3. I effectively communicate the actions I am taking and their impact on the company.

Tip: Adapt your communication style and channel (email, in-person, Slack) to fit your audience's needs.

4. I understand the company's priorities and find ways to fill the gap. Then I let the right people know my progress.

Tip: I keep track of my wins in a "Goals and Achievements" log. It's a great way to track wins at work, both revenue-wise (e.g., leading a project that resulted in a 20% increase in revenue) and personal development-wise (e.g., speaking on a panel).

5. I ask for feedback constantly. 

Tip: Keep a list of the constructive feedback you receive and track your progress in those areas.



Think of an area in your life where you have already built credibility.

What steps did you take to get there? Were there certain actions you took? Were there specific habits you created? What do you think makes you credible in that area?


This week, think of an area in your life where you want to build credibility.

What is one action you are going to take to start earning trust?

For example, I recently started posting bite-sized tips on LinkedIn. I am very new to content creation, but I'm dedicated to earning trust from my network. One way I plan on doing that this week is by consistently creating content and sticking to my goal of posting 5 times per week.


Credibility isn't earned in a day. But it is possible if you consistently take the actions you say you are going to take.

These 5 tips will help you get there!

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