How to Write an Effective Elevator Pitch

careerdevelopment one step closer personal branding professional development Mar 22, 2024
Career and Personal Development One Step Closer Blog Nail Your Elevator Pitch By Sheena Hakimian


"What do you do?"

I am sure this is a question you have had to answer at some point in the past. I don't know about you, but I used to freeze and didn't know what to say. "… I work at Condé Nast....I am in digital marketing.. also I am a leader... and a life coach..." 

Even though I was proud of what I did, I found myself rambling and unable to articulate my value confidently. This changed when I took the time to write and perfect my elevator pitch.

An elevator pitch is exactly what it sounds like - expressing your value to someone interested in knowing within the time it takes to ride an elevator together. It could be anywhere from 15-60 seconds. 

An elevator pitch should define the problem you solve, how you solve it, and the results you provide.

Here are two sample templates that you can use today.

Template 1:

As a (your position/company), I help (person/company) do/accomplish/build (problem) by (how you solve it) for them to (result you provide).

Example: As a Life Coach, I help growth-minded professionals build authentic confidence by sharing actionable strategies and exercises for them to achieve their goals at work and beyond.

Template 2:

As a (your position/company), I help (result) by (how you solve it). Leveraging (2-3 unique qualities), I collaborate/work/partner with (person/team) to (result you provide).

Example: As an Associate Marketing Manager, I help drive revenue growth by crafting and executing dynamic marketing campaigns. Leveraging adaptability, curiosity, and creativity, I collaborate with leadership to achieve our business objectives and elevate our brand presence.


What unique value or problem-solving ability do I bring to the table that sets me apart from others in my field?


Choose one of the templates above and craft your elevator pitch. Make sure it is between 15-60 seconds.

Next, practice delivering your elevator pitch in front of the mirror until you feel confident in articulating your value proposition. For reference, I practiced it about 30 times!

For even better results, try presenting your elevator pitch to a few friends or colleagues and gather their feedback. Remember, your pitch isn't set in stone - be open to adjusting and highlighting different aspects of yourself and your work. 

The goal isn't to have a rigid script that you're committed to for life. It is about having a confident response ready when someone asks about you! 

Let's get one step closer to nailing our elevator pitch! Click here to download the printable worksheet for this lesson.

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