One Step Setting Goals that Stick

careerdevelopment one step closer personal development professional development Jan 07, 2024
Personal Development One Step Closer Blog Goals that Stick By Sheena Hakimian


Goal setting—it can be intimidating, especially during this season of New Year's resolutions, where big promises demand significant (and fast) change in our lives. But what if I told you it does not need to be that scary?

Today, I will share a different perspective on goal-setting that not only makes it approachable but also kind of enjoyable! Let's dive into the 4 steps to setting goals that will actually stick.

Step 1: Visioning

  • Imagine where you want to be in the next 6-12 months. Picture your ideal self and assess if this vision aligns with your priorities. It's the first step towards turning your aspirations into reality.

Step 2: Craft a Goal Statement

  • Use the S.M.A.R.T goal template (you can find it in your worksheet) to create a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant (to you), and time-bound. This statement becomes your roadmap to success.

Step 3: Identify the skills you will need to grow to reach your goal

  • Shift your focus from the goal itself to the growth journey. Measure your progress through skill development. If you want to make this part more fun, set challenges for yourself to beat that are tied to growing these skills.

Step 4: Build the habits that you need to grow these skills

  • These daily & repetitive practices will create the systems needed for consistent growth, leading you toward achieving your goal and manifesting your vision.

Here are two examples that you can use as reference.

Example 1 - Getting a Promotion

  1. Vision: Be a strategic contributor, trusted by upper management, earning a fulfilling salary that allows for a comfortable life and giving back to my community.
  2. Goal Statement: Get promoted to Manager from Associate Manager in the Marketing Department by the end of this year.
  3. Skills to Grow: Project Management (challenge: ideate and strategize on a project that will drive significant results for my company, without my manager’s supervision), Public Speaking (challenge: present test findings to leadership in the next 4 weeks)
  4. Habits to Develop: Time blocking/time management, stepping out of my comfort zone (speaking up in meetings), seeking feedback at least once a month

Example 2 - Losing Weight

  1. Vision: Achieve a weight where I feel energized and confident.
  2. Goal Statement: Lose 10 pounds in the next 4 months through a balanced diet and exercising 4 times a week.
  3. Skills to Grow: Commitment (challenge: go to the gym 4 times a week), Strength Training (challenge: increase my weight number by 5 pounds within the next 2 months)
  4. Habits to Develop: Waking up 30 minutes earlier 4 days a week to go to the gym, meal prepping once a week, practicing mindful eating

Click here to print out this week's worksheet.


In one year from now, what do you want to be true about you and your life?

Why it matters: This question gets you to think about what will make a difference in your life and make you feel different. What will you be proud to say in a year?


Do the 4-step approach that I outlined above for at least one of your goals. I suggest only pursuing 2-3 big goals at a time. If you overwhelm yourself, you are more likely to stop pursuing your goals.

Write out a couple of sentences for your vision, craft 1 goal statement, and identify 2 skills to grow and 3 habits that you can build to help you grow these skills. You can work on your growth plan in this printable worksheet.

And then commit to taking at least 1 action this week to start building one of these habits. 

Share this exercise with a colleague, your manager, or a friend. If you are really serious about this, ask someone to hold you accountable.

Let's get one step closer to setting goals that stick! You got this! I am so proud. 

Until next time,


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