4 Myths About Networking (and Why You Should Ignore Them)

careerdevelopment one step closer personal development Sep 27, 2024
Career Development One Step Closer Blog In-Person Networking By Sheena Hakimian


Early in my career, I was terrified of in-person events—or even just talking to new people.

Last week, that fear was put to the ultimate test. I was invited to attend the Inbound Marketing Conference in Boston.

Imagine this: 12,000+ marketers in one space. The room looked like Candyland.

There were screens everywhere, multiple stages running simultaneously, massage stations, tarot card readings, food trucks—you name it.

Here is me, super excited to be there: 

As I walked into the massive convention center, I reminded myself why networking doesn’t have to be scary—and how crucial it is for growth.


Here are 4 myths I believed (until recently) and why they’re wrong: 

1. You’re only successful if you meet MANY people.

↳ It’s not about quantity; it’s about quality. Focus on building meaningful relationships with just a few people.

Tip: Set a simple goal. My goal is to meet at least one new person at each event—just one. This takes the pressure off.


2. Only extroverts can network well.

↳ Introverts can be just as successful at networking! It’s about listening, asking thoughtful questions, and finding common ground.

Tip: Have a question ready to break the ice. My go-to: “What excites you most about your day-to-day?”


3. In-person networking is outdated—everything’s online now.

↳ Digital networking is great, but nothing beats the connection you build face-to-face.

Tip: After meeting in person, follow up online! Connect on LinkedIn, set up virtual coffee chats, keep the connection going!


4. You have to attend big events to network.

↳ Smaller, intimate settings can also lead to strong connections. Make it a mission to look for local events.

Tip: Earlier this summer, I attended a local Marketing Happy Hour and Creative People career panel in NYC. Not only did I meet great people, but I also became a guest speaker on the Marketing Happy Hour podcast. (Click here to listen to the episode!).


What's holding you back from approaching ONE PERSON at your next event (networking or not), and how you could reframe that fear into an opportunity for growth?


I have two challenges for you:

1. This week, step out of your comfort zone and make one new connection. It could be a coffee chat at work, introducing yourself to someone at a social event, or connecting with someone new on LinkedIn and sending them a message.

2. Before the year ends, attend 1 in-person networking (or social) event. I promise, you will learn something.

The more you go out of your comfort zone, the more you will grow!

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