4 Steps to Overcome Imposter Syndrome Quickly

careerdevelopment one step closer Apr 21, 2024
Career Development One Step Closer Blog Overcome Imposter Syndrome By Sheena Hakimian


Ever felt like you don't belong? Is self-doubt holding you back from trying new things?

In today's newsletter, I am going to share my 4-step framework for recovering from imposter thoughts more quickly.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is the experience of intellectual self-doubt and a sense of being a fraud.

It is experienced when we let our negative thoughts persuade us into thinking we are not good enough. That we should not, and are not worthy enough, to start whatever thing is in front of us at that moment. 

The secret to overcoming imposter syndrome? Reframing your thoughts!

Think of it this way: if you are growing, you will probably feel a sense of imposter syndrome. It is a sign that you still have a skill to learn or experience to have. It is your opportunity to learn a new skill that you will grow to appreciate about yourself.


Reflect on a time where you felt imposter syndrome. What skill did you have an opportunity to learn? How could you have reframed your negative thoughts with thoughts of growth and development?


Try this 4-step 'recovery' framework the next time you are experiencing imposter thoughts:

Step 1: Spot the story

Become aware of why you are having these thoughts in this specific moment.

Did something trigger a limiting belief? A common story that comes up for me is "I am not good enough for this opportunity."

Step 2: Take 3 deep breaths

I know this sounds corny, but breathing really does help you come back to the present. It is one of the most common mindfulness techniques, one that allows us to feel grounded - but we forget to use it!

After you spot the limiting belief, bring yourself back to the present moment by taking three deep breaths.

For maximum effectiveness, you can condition yourself (AKA build a new habit!) to run through your skills and strengths while you do the breathing exercise. 

Step 3: Create and recite a positive affirmation

I know this sounds "woo-woo," but reciting a statement that is authentic to you, one that reminds you how great you are, is very powerful.

Not all affirmations will empower you. It is important to take the time and think through one that resonates with you.

Here are some examples of positive affirmations:

"I am worthy."

"I can do this."

"I am courageous." 

Then, once you have an affirmation that you know will break you out of your imposter thoughts, you can recite it to yourself.

Step 4: Take ONE small action

People underestimate the power of taking just one small action. Taking action breaks you out of your negative thought patterns and helps you build courage - one step at a time. 

Some examples of ‘first steps’ are:

  • Saying yes to a new opportunity.
  • Doing a Google search of the topic that you feel unsure about. Get familiar with it. Start learning.
  • Write down 1-3 sentences for that new pitch or project. Finish it later. Just START!

You will notice that once you take one small action, you will build more courage, and start to take another small action, and then another, and then another.


If you want to learn more about your unique strengths and potential blind spots, take my 2-minute personality quiz! You will receive an action-packed 6-page guide, catered to you and your personality style. Take the quiz at sheenahakimian.com/quiz

You got this. I am proud of you.

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