One Step Overcoming Your Limiting Beliefs

careerdevelopment mindset one step closer personal development Dec 10, 2023
Personal Development One Step Closer Blog Identify and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Fears By Sheena Hakimian


"I'll never make enough money."

"My coworkers are smarter than me."

"People don't care what I have to say."

"I am not worthy of love."

Do any of these thoughts sound familiar? These are examples of limiting beliefs—false stories we tell ourselves that block us from achieving our most important goals and desires. In other words, these are our fears.

These beliefs limit us and can keep us from doing important things, like going after a job (or leaving a toxic one), entering a meaningful relationship (or leaving a toxic one), and learning a new skill. A lot of these beliefs are subconscious, stemming from baggage from childhood and deep-rooted insecurities.

If you are unhappy with a part of your life and want change, you must identify the story that is holding you back. Once you pinpoint the fear-based story, you can take the right actions to overcome it.

The exercise I am about to share with you changed my life - I truly believe that overcoming your limiting beliefs is the first and most crucial step toward personal growth! Let's begin.


  1. What is the story I am telling myself that is holding me back?
  2. What limitations from childhood do I need to challenge?
  3. What courageous actions would I take if failure was not an option?


Identify the Limiting Belief:

Carve out time this week to reflect on the negative stories that are holding you back. If you can, connect these thoughts to specific goals. This will help you find any hidden beliefs that are affecting your progress towards these goals.

Spot the Lie:

Challenge that belief by recognizing that it is not all true! For instance, if you believe, "I can't share my ideas in meetings because others might think they're not good enough" the lie could be, "My ideas have unique value, and sharing them contributes to team innovation."

Think of the Next Best Thought:

Instead of jumping to a complete reversal, focus on the next believable thought. For example, "I will start by sharing a small idea during the next meeting and gradually build my confidence." 

Take Action:

Transform thoughts into actions. Start with small steps to overcome the untrue belief. For example, you can prepare one concise idea and actively contribute during the next team meeting.

The next time you say to yourself “I am not worthy” or “This is just who I am,” catch that thought and replace it with a more empowering belief. Work on developing a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. Believe that you can change and you will change! 

Let's get one step closer to overcoming your limiting beliefs! Click here to download the printable worksheet for this lesson.

Until next time,


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