How to Recognize Your Positive and Negative Traits

careerdevelopment one step closer personal branding personal development Mar 07, 2024
Personal Branding One Step Closer Blog Recognize Your Traits By Sheena Hakimian


Your personal brand is your reputation - it's what sets you apart and defines your uniqueness. In the blog post title "One Step Closer... to Building Your Personal Brand," I shared seven reflective questions aimed at deepening your self-awareness and understanding the image you project as your personal brand.  You can check it out here.

To be perceived accurately, we must put in the effort to build the reputation we want. Crafting your personal brand is about envisioning the image you want to display and then aligning your actions accordingly.

Being aware of both positive and negative brand traits is crucial when building a personal brand because it fosters authenticity, encourages self-improvement, helps you manage your reputation, and allows you to see how you are different from your peers.

Here are some common positive and negative brand traits for you to consider as you display your brand.


How could your life change if you choose display your positive traits and work on improving and/or removing your negative characteristics?


Take a moment to write down your current positive and negative traits. Be honest with yourself. You can use the blank chart provided in this week's worksheet.

Now, consider doubling down on your positive characteristics. Aim to actively display those traits that align best with your personal brand - where you aspire to be. 

As for the negative characteristics, think about how you can eliminate or improve these traits. For instance, if you're consistently late to work, could waking up 10 minutes earlier make a difference? If you struggle with email responsiveness, could you collaborate with your manager to prioritize tasks effectively?

The key takeaway here is that awareness of your traits empowers you to take action. Embrace the positive attributes that align with your goals and actively work on improving those that may be holding you back. 

Share this blog post with a friend or coworker! Encourage them to reflect on their characteristics as well.

Let's get one step closer to doubling down on our positive traits! Click here to download the printable worksheet for this lesson.

Until next time,

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