One Step Mastering the Art of Self-Reflection

careerdevelopment mindset personaldevelopment Dec 24, 2023
Personal Development One Step Closer Blog Master Self Reflection By Sheena Hakimian


Do you feel like the past few months flew by? Like you were running on autopilot most of the time?

Did you take a moment to look back and reflect? On your accomplishments, your challenges, how you are progressing towards your most important goals?

Reflection is the most powerful tool that I took away from my 8 months of Life Coaching school. Today, I am going to share 9 powerful questions that will help you make sense of your experiences, learn from them, and use them as a catalyst for growth in the coming months.

Click here to print out this week's worksheet.


  1. What was your biggest accomplishment the past few months? Was there a specific moment where you displayed courage?
    Why it matters: How often do you pause and celebrate yourself? Recognizing bursts of courage will empower you to keep going after what you want.
  2. What brought you the most joy? What moments lit you up?
    Why it matters: Spotting the sources of joy helps you understand what truly matters to you. A fun exercise is to look through the photos on your phone to see what made you the most happy. These are the things you should prioritize in the coming months.
  3. What made you unhappy? What deflated your energy?
    Why it matters: This is the reverse of the question above. Can you de-prioritize any of the things that depleted your energy? If you cannot remove something (like an illness) or a person (like a family member), can you reframe how you go about your experiences?
  4. What challenges did you overcome? What did you learn from them?
    Why it matters: Reflecting on challenges builds resilience. If you are committed to learning from your setbacks, you are already one step closer to a more meaningful life.
  5. What new skills did you learn? How do you want to continue to develop them?
    Why it matters: As our priorities and experiences change, we take on new skills. Take this time to acknowledge the skills you learned and/or strengthened the past few months - appreciating your skills and qualities leads to more self-confidence.
  6. What was a moment you felt like you failed? How did you pick yourself up afterward?
    Why it matters: Embracing failure as a teacher allows for growth and resilience.
  7. What is something you wish you made more time for?
    Why it matters: Recognizing where your time is spent helps you prioritize what truly matters. Can you make more time for this?
  8. What is something you want to do less of (or let go of)?
    Why it matters: Letting go of the things, people, or habits that do not serve you creates space for the things that you truly care about. 
  9. What is your favorite way to refuel?
    Why it matters: Take this time to become aware of how you like to refuel. What brings you peace? Travel is undoubtedly my favorite way to re-energize and appreciate the world around me - it fuels my curiosity and I make sure to prioritize travel every year.


Carve out 30 to 60 minutes to answer these questions. If you do not want to write them all out, answer at least one in your head. Putting in the time and energy into reflecting now will set you up for success in the coming months!

Share this blog post with a friend, family member, or coworker. Encourage them to reflect as well.

Let's get one step closer to mastering the art of self-reflection! Click here to download the printable worksheet for this lesson.

Until next time,

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